Hey,It brings to mind the all too true words, that at times, we should "dance like no-one is watching"!
There is nothing wrong with those people dancing on the street,you know what! I want to take dance to the next level, Dont be suprise when you see me dancing on the street"dancing is one of the best things in life!
Let's capture some magical moments, let's create happy memories and let's surround ourselves with laughter and friendship as we dance to any kind of special occasion.
Have fun, thank you for joining us and go on…dance a no one is watching!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Would you break the law to safe a loved one?

What would be stronger? The fear of the consequences acting against the law or the love for a person?
To me it all depends on the matter and the law. If a person I love did something and it is not wrong or totally wrong, according to my morality but the law is very strict on that, well yes I would break it for the sake of my loved one. It is worth the risk, because u might have lost a person for a long time or even forever, if you did not try to help.
It would all be different if a person did something which is according to my own morality, totally wrong and unacceptable. If a person acts out of selfishness and takes advantage of others, for the sake of gaining, no, I would not break the law to safe that person. I will not risk destroying my own life for the sake of someone who already acted like that, especially not if the person doesn’t seem to regret.

If that is the case and someone regrets his or her actions, I feel were wrong, I would do everything that is possible to help that person on a legal base. I won’t give up on people that made a mistake and do my possible best but risking my own life would not be included in that case.

Why I have conversations?

To my understanding, a conversation is the exchange of information. They are different type of conversation, which are formal and informal conversations as well as verbal and non-verbal conversation, conversation is also a mode of communication.

I love to be understood and learn to understand others that why I enjoy having conversation with people. People have conversations because they enjoy engaging with others, relating with others and finding out new things. It’s interesting to have a conversation with other people whose company you enjoy being in, but the conversation needs to be balanced and come from both sides, like a two ways communication.

Conversations take place when there is an interactive and spontaneous communication between two or more people. Through conversations we learn more about people and about ourselves, it is also a rightful way of enhancing one’s knowledge about many things.
Conversation is crucial to our own development and the society at large. If there was no conversation, the world would not be moving as fast as it is moving today.

Why I have conversations?

To my understanding, a conversation is the exchange of information. They are different type of conversation, which are formal and informal conversations as well as verbal and non-verbal conversation, conversation is also a mode of communication. I have conversations with myself and with others because I want to share something.


I love to be understood and learn to understand others that why I enjoy having conversation with people. People have conversations because they enjoy engaging with others, relating with others and finding out new things. It’s interesting to have a conversation with other people whose company you enjoy being in, but the conversation needs to be balanced and come from both sides, like a two ways communication.
Conversations take place when there is an interactive and spontaneous communication between two or more people. Through conversations we learn more about people and about ourselves, it is also a rightful way of enhancing one’s knowledge about many things.
Conversation is crucial to our own development and the society at large. If there was no conversation, the world would not be moving as fast as it is moving today.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

When it is time to stop calculating risk and reward and just do what you know is right?

In life, we all go a certain way and follow certain steps. Some of us have more opportunities to do things and freedom to decide and other less. Those who are fortunate enough to get proper education, ideally go to university and study. The degree should lead to a good job and a nice income.

The choice of what we do often depend on our social surrounding, the way we grew up or what we have learned is good. A lot of people often do what will be rewarded as “good” and “useful” from the outside, regardless of what we feel inside or if the things we do reflect what’s inside. A lot of people disguise only to please others they forget about the voice inside…

If that voice inside is telling you that what is in your heart is something completely else than what you are currently doing, it is time to stop calculating risk and reward and just do what u know is right. The price one would have to pay for living in disguise for his whole life is not at all worth it at the end of the day. 

We have to stick to what is inside, otherwise we don’t know who we are and we lose our soul. Even if the struggle, it will be hard and long and one has to risk a lot, it will be worth finding out who you really are and what is your purpose in life regardless of other people and the risks involved.

Write your bucket list / 100 things to do before you die?

Bucket List

If you haven’t heard about the bucket list, a bucket list is a list of all the goals you want to achieve, dreams you want to fulfil and life experiences you desire to experience before you die.

The essence of any good bucket list consists of overcoming fears, achieving goals, realizing dreams and even simple pleasures. Whether it’s an exotic adventure half-way around the world or something simpler, like spending more time with your family or friends, what matters is that you experience all the good and phenomenal things Earth offers.

I always appreciate this saying "Nothing is Impossible" .Even though I have been a failure in many of the situations; I tend to try it again (once more).

So here are the 100 things to do before I kick the bucket: 

1. Be the boss.

2. Complete my degree in Public Relations Management

3. Learn to play an instrument

4. Skydive

5. Learn to speak a foreign language and make sure you use it.

6. Throw a huge party and invite every one of your friends.

7. Publish an article

8. Write a novel

9. Learn not to say yes when you really mean no

10. Create a website

11. Learn to rollerblade

12. Buy my mom a house

13. Ride a camel into the desert

14. Plant a tree.

15. Overcome your fear of failure.

16. Fall deeply in love -- helplessly and unconditionally.

17. Shower in a waterfall

18. Drive across America from coast to coast.

19. Learn to juggle with four balls

20. Donate blood

21. Donate money to non profit organisations

22. Invest money in share market

23. Experience a sunset

24. Experience a sunrise

25. Invent something

26. Have unlimited number of clothes in my wardrobe

27. Have a bank balance of Billion

28. Climb the Mount Everest

29. Learn belly dance

30. Get into NYU university

31. Become a DJ

32. Meet my favourite star

33. Spend more time with my family

34. Start a small business

35. Have my own resort

36. Always be happy

37. Direct a film

38. Buy my own house

39. Grow a garden.

40. Accept yourself for who you are.

41. Give to a charity -- anonymously.

42. Make love on the kitchen floor.

43. Make love in the toilet.

44. Get married to a beautiful wife

45. Have good children

46. Look into my child's eyes, see yourself, and smile.

47. Resign from a job i don’t like

48. Pursue my passion

49. Start my own business and doing something I love

50. Do an extreme sport – Bungee jumping, Skydiving, Parachuting, Paragliding, Ice climbing

51. Make a difference in someone’s life

52. Gain enlightenment

53. Go to a costume party and dress up as your fantasy character

54. Help someone in need

55. Fall in love

56. Fly in a helicopter

57. Get a tattoo

58. Fly first class

59. Do something completely crazy and out of character

60. Organize a picnic outing

61. Read a book on a subject you’d never have thought of reading

62. See snow

63. Go to Brazil (2014).

64. Get featured on TV/radio/print/newspapers for an achievement you are proud of

65. Act in a film (self production or otherwise)

66. Go swimming with dolphins

67. Win a lucky draw

68. Go on a road trip

69. Learn a martial art

70. Play a (new) musical instrument: Piano, Violin, Harmonica, Flute, Guitar, Drum, and Trumpet

71. Road trip.

72. Do public speaking in front of 10,000 people

73. Learn a game of strategy

74. Achieve financial abundance with your passion

75. Be a mentor to someone

76. Visit Robben Island

77. Learn to ice-skate

78. Live in Germany and become fluent in Germen

79. Never stop learning

80. Learn to Surf

81. Go camping.

82. Dance in the rain

83. Sing on a stage

84. Horseback riding

85. Kiss passionately in the pouring rain

86. Organize and execute a romantic picnic

87. Give a speech at a good friend’s wedding

88. Volunteer and make a difference

89. Do street performance and make some money out of it

90. Bottle my own wine

91. Get a kiss from a (preferably female) celebrity.

92. Be in a fist fight

93. Learn boxing

94. Have a threesome (or more some)

95. Kiss a girl from every country in the world

96. Get a lap dance in a strip club

97. Have sex on the beach

98. Attend a country music concert or festival

99. Walk along the Great Wall of China

100. Tell at least 10 people about your bucket list and encourage them to do the same.

Friday, September 7, 2012

What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?

Our actions are formed by our surroundings. Either from a public institution likes the legislative body, or a social institution, our family and friends. From the day we are born, our morality and the way we judge things are influenced by many factors. We feel like we live freely but in reality we are attached to a lot of conventions. What if those conventions weren’t there? Would we act all different and do whatever we feel like doing? If we knew nobody would judge?

 If I think of it, what comes to my mind is that we as human’s beings need a kind of lead. Our existence would be filled with even more insecurities if we wouldn’t have those guiding lines. At least as long as we are children and youngsters, as we grow old our decisions get a little bit more unrestricted, as we have to make some decisions but even at that stage of life we are not free to choose or to do whatever we feel like doing that is more or less a fantasy.

 If I could do one thing in life without the judgement of people, I will walk on the street top less just to show off my good body, dance while walking and also sing while walking.
 However, If I could do one thing in life without the judgement of people or the dependence of money, I would travel to every country in this world, I would take pictures and try to learn how other people live, at the same time write about it. If there was enough time and enough independence and no judgements in this life, that’s what I would do…

My big fat BIG dream.

This is a difficult one… I have so many dreams and it’s almost impossible for me to decide which one is the fattest, craziest and biggest of them all.

I have always been cautious about my body and my health. I eat right and gym often – especially as a body builder, weight lifting and also in love with modeling, I need to be in tiptop shape at all times. Being a health and fitness junkie, I strive to be tighter, stronger, and fitter and have a leanmuscle but I have not yet dedicated time and effort to have that fabulous body, though most of my friends and folks says I have a great body. Thanks to them…

My big fat BIG dream is to never to be too BIG or FAT as I truly believe that there is no reason for looking like that. Food is good (I know, promise you), but food is there to sustain our bodies and provide us with energy to live. Just as eating is essential, exercise and good health is essential as well!

I am chasing my big fat BIG dream, though it is not an easy chase, to be patience is a virtue in this quest. The hunt for this enormous dream requires proper planning in order to have direction of which direction results in being focused on what I want to achieve.