Hey,It brings to mind the all too true words, that at times, we should "dance like no-one is watching"!
There is nothing wrong with those people dancing on the street,you know what! I want to take dance to the next level, Dont be suprise when you see me dancing on the street"dancing is one of the best things in life!
Let's capture some magical moments, let's create happy memories and let's surround ourselves with laughter and friendship as we dance to any kind of special occasion.
Have fun, thank you for joining us and go on…dance a no one is watching!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Sex before marriage

That is one of the subjects people of this world can’t agree on…some of us consider sex as something so valuable that we should only share with one partner after marriage, others feel it’s their natural right to enjoy their body and make as much experience and take as much advantage out of it as possible.

This development took place in the second half of the 20th century especially in the western world in the revolution in the 70’s, people were fighting for their body culture and against the so called “conservative values”. It is up to each Individual to decide what the right choice is for them and we mustn’t underestimate the role of culture as well.

No one has to judge what way is right or wrong, because every way has its warranty and a truth that lies within. To me personally, I always consider the middle way to be the best for me. Sex is valuable, something to enjoy, to get experience from and to express love, I don’t feel it is necessary to wait until one gets married; it is not a sin to me.

On the other hand, I don’t want to share it with anyone, nor with random people or neither do I want to make it my main priority in life. To me it is part of a relationship and part of two people loving each other…

10 most unexpected consequences of being online.

  • Finding out that I was known by what I know and defined by what I shared online.
  • Online dating, finding out that the person on the other end is not who they described themselves to be as on their profile.
  • Discovering an old friend from primary or secondary school, brings lots of memories and you can hook up with the person again and been friends again.
  • Send an email, only to realize afterwards that you have sent it to the wrong person.
  • Seeing pictures from your past that someone has been hiding on facebook and clearly you look so bad on it.
  • Getting for more information as fast as possible and it doesn’t take much time to find it.
  • Probably you forget how to communicate in real life, because you are so used to chatting online.
  • When you don’t have time to chat with people, they take it the wrong way and get offended.
  • Updating your facebook status about your boss or how you hate your job, forgetting that your boss is your friend on facebook.
  • Your eyes get weak because you spend more than 8 hours online…

Friday, June 15, 2012

Do you celebrate the things you have?

I would assume most of the people do not! But we can’t blame them. We are meant to celebrate the small and big things in life every day, just get aware of what we have and be thankful.

Looking at ourselves and being honest, only few people can assert that of themselves. Most of us are too busy, our head is full and we are busy thinking of and stressing the negative. We waste our time and energy giving the negative so much space in our lives. That is what we do if our daily routine, like school, work or family is stressing us.

We push the positive aside or maybe don’t even recognize it, so how can we celebrate it? We really have to celebrate the things we have and we have to celebrate them consciously!  I think it is our duty to do and I believe it is a step towards a better life, filled with more positivity and gratitude.

It is all a question of attitude and if we want to we can change today and really consciously celebrate the things we have.

An elephant in the room

"Elephant in the room" is an English metaphorical idiom for an obvious truth that is being ignored or goes unaddressed, the idiomatic expression also applies to an obvious problem or risk no one wants to discuss. When it comes to this proverb, I guess we must stress the words OBVIOUS TRUTH. Clearly due to the size of an elephant, it is Obvious for everybody or everyone to see that there is an elephant in the room and it would be ridiculous to ignore or pretend that the elephant is not there because OBVIOUSLY it is.

When it comes to the truth people tend to ignore reality or the truth, even though it is right in front of our feet. Sometimes people are too comfortable, lazy, scared, and insecure to speak out the truth for the sake of staying in ones comfort zone.

We might think if the truth remains unuttered, everything remains the same. We must not always fall for this false conclusion,  if an obvious truth stays unexpressed like an elephant in the room, we might cause ourselves way more difficulties and troubles than if we would have spoke it out ever since.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Every day is a good day

The Japanese phrase nichinichi kore koujitsu is a Zen expression that is commonly used in context of the Tea Ceremony. It encourages us to understand that every day can be made a good day and that it is up to us to make each day good.

"Every day is a good day" is a quote from a Zen koan, spoken by Zen Master Yun Men, who lived and taught in 10th century China. It is found in one of the most influential classics of Zen literature, The Blue Cliff Record, a compilation of the sayings of many generations of Zen Masters and practitioners.

According to Jeff Brooks to have the conviction that every day is a good day means that we are really living our own lives. If we discriminate based on our own feelings of happiness or unhappiness and say: "I wonder if today will be good," or "Today I am happy so it is a good day," or "Today I am unhappy so today is a bad day," or "If something nice happens to me today I will have the opinion that today is a good day," then we lose our lives. That kind of attitude means we are living passively, as if life is just something that happens to us. If we live this way we have given up the direction of our own lives and we will inevitably decline.

To understand that every day is a good day takes courage, because on some days we will suffer. Then, when that is necessary, when that is the reality of our lives, it is our day to suffer. That reality shifts, as we all have experienced, from day to day, even from moment to moment. It shifts as a result of our intention, as a result of our karma. Some days we will be happy. Then it will be a good day to be happy. Some days we will have to struggle. Then it will be a good day to struggle. Some day we will need to fight. Then it will be a good day to fight. Some day it will be our day to die. Then, as Black Elk said, it will be a good day to die.

Everyday is a good day to give thanks unto the lord for all he's done for us for he has done great things for us, how we love him for what he's done. Enjoy the little things in life, for someday you will look back and realize they were the big things.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Give it a try...

When was the last time you tried something new? I was thinking that since most of us have a long holiday this is a perfect opportunity to try something new. I'm going to find something I haven't done before and try it this holiday.

I'll report back what I try. How about you, why not find something that inspires you or something you haven't done before and try it this holiday. For example try Skating.

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses.

Our strengths and weaknesses can vary from person to person, I would say all depending on things in life we may have experienced. Strengths are usually things you are good at, for example ‘time management’ and weaknesses are things you are not good at like ‘resisting a movie’ or ‘resisting double chocolate-chip cookies’

My greatest weakness would be my naivety. I don't know a lot about the world, so I am often confused as to how to react to things, and that leads to indecisiveness and sometimes inappropriate actions. For example I don’t watch sport and I have no idea about sport, It is annoying when I don't know how to help someone out with a problem because I have never dealt with it before so I end up being completely useless.

However, Confidence: My greatest strength is my confidence. I've learned to be and love myself for who I am and that shows in my personality and my everyday attitude. I have grown to be a very positive and optimistic person, my greatest strength is also my ability to communicate with others about the problem and take decisive steps to give good results. I think, my greatest strength is self confidence. I am able to manage challenges in life and always keeps a positive attitude towards life. Finally i trust on Almighty God.

Your greatest strength is your weakness. You’ll fail if you don’t expand, so try this following step.

• If you are a great talker, you talk too much. Listen more.

• If you are a great listener, you listen too much. Talk more.

• If you are great at execution, you rely too much on getting things done. Dream more.

• If you are a dreamer, you launch too quickly. Execute more.

• If you are great at encouraging, people walk all over you. Confront more.

• If you are great at discernment, you walk over others. Comfort more.

• If you are great at organization, you’re inflexible. Adapt more.

• If you are creative, you’re scatterbrained. Ask more questions.

• If you are a detail person, you’re rigid. Try things more.

Will this day matter in 5 years?

I believe going through life, every day matters. Each day that follows gives us something new to learn, new impressions, new thoughts; we get wiser, see new faces and communicate in a different way.

As we wake up in the morning we sometimes don’t know what this day has in store for us, sometimes we have to face huge challenges, bear burdens, face painful experiences or we go through it relaxed and with a lot of laughter. And often we face situations we did not expect to happen.

All of them, the huge and the little things in life we should not underestimate, experienced unconsciously or consciously, form the person we are and our progress in life. This day, the day before today, every day before these two days and every day that follows will matter in 5 years.

Today might be the day we experience something we can revert to in 5 years time, we never know. The next five years can be the most exciting and satisfying years of your life or just another five years.

Try a cliché

The Oxford Senior Dictionary definition: cliché (klee-shay) n. a hackneyed phrase or idea.

A cliché is a phase which is considered overused which can be literal or figurative in meaning. Understanding popular clichés is important as it provides a deeper understanding of set phrases, however they should not be used too frequently.

We would rather prefer not to stick to clichés . Clichés are unproven “truths” created to categorise the unknown.  A lot of clichés remain since centuries and people cant get them out of their heads there are  fixed deep down inside.

I guess it is part of human nature to build an opinion about another group of people, other nationalities, another cultures or the other gender, so we think we understand how the world is working. Most of the clichés are negative and going to a different country with a negative cliché in mind and a negative picture, I guess people can always make their pre-built picture come true and think their clichés got approved, it is all a question of attitude and how you want to experience your environment. Less attention we pay to positive clichés. And that is what we should focus on or try out.

Having positive clichés or pictures in mind encountering different countries, cultures etc. we will realize that it will come true. Thinking people of a certain culture are very hospitable, that is what u will experience through your positive attitude towards them. Never focus on the negative and give the positive clichés a chance, maybe you will be surprised what can find out.