Hey,It brings to mind the all too true words, that at times, we should "dance like no-one is watching"!
There is nothing wrong with those people dancing on the street,you know what! I want to take dance to the next level, Dont be suprise when you see me dancing on the street"dancing is one of the best things in life!
Let's capture some magical moments, let's create happy memories and let's surround ourselves with laughter and friendship as we dance to any kind of special occasion.
Have fun, thank you for joining us and go on…dance a no one is watching!

Monday, October 15, 2012

If Not Now, Then When?

We all make excuses from time to time so the next time you find yourself saying, “Not now,” take a moment and ask yourself the question above. Also ask “Why NOT now?” You’ll be surprised at your answers and realize there really isn’t a real answer and maybe it’s just fear rearing its ugly head. If you can’t do something right now, make it a point to add to your to do list an action item with a reasonable due date to remind you to do something later rather than not at all. That would be your ‘now’ action – getting it recorded.

It may be very easy to say, “Do what you want to do now.” But we all know that’s not always feasible or practical. I take the principle of living in the now to mean that whatever it is we want, we should feel it, think it, and focus on it NOW.

Someday … A word that sits next to a lot of people’s goals as the due date…Someday…Did you know that Someday never arrives? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…Sunday…Where on the calendar is Someday? Sunday may sound like Someday but it’s not the same thing. Sunday is at least a sure thing. We know exactly when Sunday will arrive and experience it every week. Someday…well, that’s a different story.

Let’s be honest, anything worthwhile is difficult, because if it were easy everyone would do it. You have to take responsibility for your life! Stop making excuses and start now to go for what you want. If you don’t have the skills, get them! If you don’t have the training, get it! Get whatever you need to meet the challenge.

What do you need to do to lose weight? What do you need to be financially independent? What do you need to do to get out of debt? Remember success is the accomplishment of the goal. Lay out your plan and execute it. Your plan must work for you, so personalize it.

What are you doing to meet your goals? What are you doing today to meet your goals? What excuse is keeping you from your goal? Successful people don’t make excuses, they take action. The difference between an excuse and a reason is clear. An excuse is an explanation of why something failed blaming someone or something. A reason is an explanation where everyone takes accountability. For example, I want to lose weight, but I do not have time to go to the gym. Stop making excuses and start on your dreams. Let’s start a trend, better yet a movement toward accomplishing your goals, dreams or fantasies…

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