Hey,It brings to mind the all too true words, that at times, we should "dance like no-one is watching"!
There is nothing wrong with those people dancing on the street,you know what! I want to take dance to the next level, Dont be suprise when you see me dancing on the street"dancing is one of the best things in life!
Let's capture some magical moments, let's create happy memories and let's surround ourselves with laughter and friendship as we dance to any kind of special occasion.
Have fun, thank you for joining us and go on…dance a no one is watching!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

We are afraid of the wrong things

Fear is a chain reaction in the brain that starts with a stressful stimulus and ends with the release of chemicals that cause a racing heart, fast breathing and energized muscles, among other things, also known as the fight-or-flight response.

Why are men afraid of commitment?

MAY 22, 2011 BY MEEGAN 
Men love their freedom. For many guys, the very thought of making a COMMITMENT to one woman for the rest of their lives is enough to send them sprinting for the hills. The dreaded "C-word" implies compromise, loss of independence, the sacrifice of sexual variety, and the looming specter of financial devastation. And the statistics bear this out -- the U.S. Census reports that, over the past four decades, the rate of marriage has definitely been on the decrease.

Here are a few of the reasons why men are so afraid of commitment:
No more freedom
We men are extremely independent by nature. We like to make our own decisions and run our lives by our own rules. We want to do what we want when we want. But when a woman enters the picture, all the choices a guy simply used to take for granted -- going out for a beer with his buddies, buying a big screen TV, riding skateboard on Saturday afternoon -- suddenly have to be cleared with her first. And her answer is almost always, "No -- we're a couple now" (translation: "We're going to do things my way"). Almost overnight, we find ourselves trapped, doing what she wants to do, regardless of their own wants or desires.
Loss of space
We like guy things -- we need "guy space" for stuff like cars, tools and watching kick-ass action flicks. But women want to take over, to "female up" what used to be exclusive male territory with frilly drapes and paintings of flowers. In fact, they're so committed to feminizing all the space around them that they quickly start forbidding us to have any guy stuff at all. So suddenly you find the bathroom buried in female products, your leather couch has been reupholstered in pastel paisley, and the spot where you kept your tools has blossomed into an indoor herb garden.
One sex partner, forever
We naturally crave sexual variety. When we commit -- either in marriage or cohabitation -- we willingly volunteer to cut ourselves off from any other sexual pursuits. Sexual boredom can set in, followed by a total lack of desire. For a lot of us -- even guys who weren't getting a lot of action anyway -- this can be the scariest consequence of all. We've been burned, she's a closet nag, she wants it all, and wait, it gets even worse.

The emotional baggage 
Many women look at marriage through Cinderella eyes -- for them, putting a ring on their fingers means that we will magically solve all their problems, from childhood issues with their fathers to huge shopping debts incurred on credit cards. Women often submerge their true personalities and agendas until the knot is tied -- but when the truth comes out and the we find ourselves legally bound to a greedy, nagging bitch, it's too late.

 In conclusion the point we making is right because we are human beings and its part of our nature to be afraid. But we also have to look at the other side of commitment… to have a partner you can relay on, who knows you perfectly, who is your lover and friend and who you can share everything with is the most valuable relationship you can have in life. This person will be there whatever you go through and is resepcting you for who you are, your wrongs and your rights, we all go through difficult times in a relationship,it happens to the best but still if you pull through together at the end of the day both of you will look back at your own lifestory, with its ups and downs and you can proudly say that you beared every burden.You achieved something, most people are not able to achieve,because they tend to give up so easily and run away from problems so do not be afraid of commitment, neither should you be afraid of the wrong things.

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