Hey,It brings to mind the all too true words, that at times, we should "dance like no-one is watching"!
There is nothing wrong with those people dancing on the street,you know what! I want to take dance to the next level, Dont be suprise when you see me dancing on the street"dancing is one of the best things in life!
Let's capture some magical moments, let's create happy memories and let's surround ourselves with laughter and friendship as we dance to any kind of special occasion.
Have fun, thank you for joining us and go on…dance a no one is watching!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Time or money?

It's an old cliche that we all know and understand, but to what extent do you really apply it in your business?

For example, do you make a phone call when an email would do just fine? Sure, there's something to be said for spending a little extra time building rapport with your clients, but phone calls often stretch out into ten, twenty, thirty minutes when taking five minutes to craft an email would have gotten the job done. Remember, your clients and strategic partners are busy too -- they may appreciate the efficiency of an email instead of a phone call.

A mathematical formula calculated by a British university professor has found that time actually is money. According to the equation, the average British minute is worth just over 10 pence (15 cents) to men and eight pence (12 cents) to women.

The formula is: V=(W((100-t)/100))/C, where V is the value of an hour, W is a person's hourly wage, t is the tax rate and C is the local cost of living. It shows that there is no such thing as a free lunch or even a free dinner, while brushing your teeth for three minutes uses up 30 pence (45 cents) in "lost" time, and washing a car by hand has a hidden cost of £3 ($4.50).

But there are only 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, and you have to spend some of that time sleeping, eating, playing, relaxing and growing with yourself, your friends and your family. Time is an entrepreneur's most precious resource, because it is the only one that is truly scarce. Be stingy with it.

Economics professor Ian Walker, of central England's Warwick University, says process can show people just how valuable their time is in relation to any task they have to perform, from a lie-in or cooking a meal to sleeping and working. He says it also allows people to work out whether they are getting a fair rate for overtime, as well as helping them to decide whether it is worth spending extra cash to save time. It can judge the financial cost of a takeaway against the time taken to cook dinner, or the relative benefits of using a taxi or saving with the bus.

If you are productive during your work day you will have more time to do those things during your off hours – or better yet, you will have more money to hire someone to do them for you!

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself

I believe it is a poor idea to lie to you because it only leads to bigger issues, we should learn to be honest to ourselves. If we are not happy with where we are in life we must change our habits or strive for the better and stop fooling ourselves before we lose our identity. Many people lie to themselves because they find it difficult to face reality when it doesn’t look so great. They have a fear to be known who they really are, some people are not honest to themselves because of fear of rejection and criticism.

They want to fit to a certain group or class of people. Some people lie to themselves because they are ignorant, have many regrets and have no hope if they will ever be able to survive if they reveal who they really are. In some cases people lie to themselves because they try to cover up something without having to deal with it and its consequences. However, if you don’t deal with issues, they aren’t going to go away, they will simply sit there until they blow up in your face. Time will run out at some point and perhaps by then we will either be gatvol of the issue or simply too tired and let it take over. Sometimes when we start lying to ourselves, we start lying to others and it becomes too easy.

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself, it does not lead to any good and at times, can catch you off guard and make you look kinda like an idiot. Honestly is the key to success, with yourself, with others and with our minds.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Flowers in a garden

To expand our perspective of beauty, it helps to think of humanity as the flowers of a garden. What makes a garden beautiful and interesting is if it has a rich variety of colours and shapes, the very differences contributing to the overall picture of beauty. If we could truly see and understand this, we would be able to see beauty everywhere, in ourselves and in others.

The sound of one hand clapping

The first thing we should consider when it comes to this topic is thinking about sounds in general. A sound makes sense…either they warn us from things that are happening around us, for example an earthquake or an accident, they show emotions , we can hear people cry or laugh and our whole communication would not work the way it works without any sound.
Sounds are attached to situations and without them they would not be complete. So, what is the sound of one hand clapping, and what is the sense and sound of two hands clapping? Clearly there is no sound of one hand clapping, because the situation is not complete. We clap to show somebody respect, to honor someone for the great work he or she did or we clap if we are happy about something. If a room is full of people and they are all clapping, the room is full of energy, its full of Happiness and Joy.
The noise or sound of the clapping creates that energy and atmosphere, without it would not exist. The sound of one hand clapping is complete silence, it cannot make people feel honored and it cannot create any kind of energy or atmosphere. So, it makes sense that there is no sound, because only the sound of two hands clapping fulfills a sense.
People need silence sometimes, too much noise is not healthy and we cannot think straight anymore but complete silence is a sound of death or disaster. No positive feelings are attached to the sound of one hand clapping. And that is why there is no sound of one hand calpping.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


What a person believes about himself constitutes a kind of internalised roadmap for living.

When a child is in a setting in which self-discovery is encouraged and he has a chance to express himself, he not only gets a clearer view of how he fits into the wider spectrum of life, but also realizes his potential as a unique human being.


"Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don’t know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings." Anaïs Nin

If it's really love you would follow it forever even though you think I'm lost and you know better this wandering is more than filling footprints right behind me how far would you go outside the lines just to find me, letting go of anything that grounds us even though there's darkness all around us.

It became really easy to lose yourself. We live in a world where people are constantly telling you that you can't be who you want to be, no matter how much you tried. In fact, the only way to stay sane is to surround yourself with the people who care and do the things you want to do, without giving a fuck about what other people think.

You are not alone and this is not the end of your story. I closed my eyes and say “Not all who wander are lost”.